Hyungyung Lee

Ph.D student
KAIST Graduate School of AI
[Github] [Google Scholar]

About Me

I am a first-year Ph.D student at KAIST Grduate school of AI advised by Edward Choi.
My research interests are in Multimodal Learning, Healthcare.


Unconditional Image-Text Pair Generation With Multimodal Cross Quantizer
Hyungyung Lee, Sungjin Park, Joonseok Lee, Edward Choi
BMVC 2022
[paper] [code] [poster]
ICLR 2022 workshop on Deep Generative Models for Highly Structured Data
[paper] [code] [poster]

Multi-modal Understanding and Generation for Medical Images and Text via Vision-Language Pre-Training
Jong Hak Moon*, Hyungyung Lee*, Woncheol Shin, Young-Hak Kim, Edward Choi
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)
[paper] [code]

* denotes equal contribution.


[Award] KoSAIM 2022 Fall Conference - Scientific Session(Contributed Talks), 1st prize
[Talk] KoSAIM 2021 summer school - Numpy and Pytorch Intro Hands-on session [poster] [slide&code]
[Award] Konyang Health Datathon 2019 - Breast cancer classfication, 1st prize